The Neighborhood House

News & Notes

The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

Finishing Touches Put on Revamped Parady Room

Jack Ledbetter is perhaps known best for his beautiful photography. What you might not know about Jack, however, is that he also contributes his time and energy as a volunteer member of The Neighborhood House’s Board of Directors. Recently, Jack’s photography skills and support for The Neighborhood House were both “put on display,”

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

An Abundance of Springtime Projects In the Works

Spring is finally here, and with buds getting set to burst and grass turning green, there’s also an abundance of projects happening throughout our community. At The Neighborhood House, the story is no different. So, while we wait for the bushes out front to bloom any day now, we also have several projects underway we’d like to tell you about…

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

Cafe Conclusion Set for April 18

Spring is here, and that means it’s time for the Community Cafe to take a break before returning for another season in the fall. The 2018/19 Cafe season was a record-setting endeavor with turnouts often in excess of 120 guests. If you’ve yet to discover why the Cafe has become such a popular program, or if you simply want to grab one more bite before the summer season, be sure to join us this Thursday, April 18 from 11:30-1:00.

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

Cafe and a Concert

A large crowd arrived to break bread, and some musicians arrived and broke a leg. That was the scene Thursday, April 4th at The Neighborhood House when Mt. Desert 365 hosted the Community Cafe and the Mt. Desert Elementary Music Dept. arrived to put on a show.

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

April Showers Bring... Yoga Classes

Before we hit the busy summer season, April provides a great opportunity to treat yourself to a relaxing and energizing experience with Yoga offerings at The Neighborhood House.

Every Thursday morning, instructor Karen Roper welcomes students to “Yoga for Everybody,” an all levels class focused on breath and relaxed energy. Classes use props such as straps and bolsters to keep poses accessible for every shape and size. The fee is on a donation basis, with the suggestion being between $5 and $12.

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

Summer Sign-Up Underway

Summer is just around the corner and that means it’s time to make plans to keep your children busy during their school vacation. The Neighborhood House will be offering eight weeks of activities and adventures for kids in pre-school through middle-school, every Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm.

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

Coastal Computers Cafe Set for March 21

Coastal Computers may be known as your local “technology solution provider,” but perhaps they should add “lunch” to that tagline as well. Be sure to join George, Kristina, and the whole gang from Coastal Computers this Thursday, March 21 as they’ll be taking over the Community Cafe.

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

Passive Stretch & Divine Play Yoga Return for March

Say goodbye to "Old Man Winter" and get set for spring with these March yoga offerings from Mike Bouscaren! On Monday, March 18 from 4:00-5:00pm Mike will lead a session of Passive Yoga Stretch, and the next morning on March 19 at 8:30 everyone is invited back for Divine Play Yoga.

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

Neighborhood House Serves as Venue for MD365 "Boot Camp"

Mt. Desert 365 will be holding their 2nd Annual “Business Boot Camp” on March 7-10, and once again this year The Neighborhood House will serve as the venue for the program’s wrap-up. The “Pitch Competition” will take place in the Great Hall on Sunday afternoon, March 10, and is open to the public.

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The Neighborhood House The Neighborhood House

MDI Celebrates "National Pi Day"

Any excuse to enjoy pie is okay by us, so naturally when we found about about “National Pi Day,” it was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. While yes, technically speaking, “Pi Day” refers to the mathematical term associated with the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter (3.14159…), it’s actually celebrated around the world every March 14 (3.14) with (you guessed it) PIE!

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