The Neighborhood House
News & Notes
ICYMI: Community Cookout
Our Community Cookout on Memorial Day was another huge success, and only possible because of our terrific sponsors: S.R. Tracy Paint Shop, Main Street Variety, Thomas W. Wallace Construction, and Northeast Plumbing & Heating.
Invasive Species Forum
The public is invited to attend a special forum presented by the Mount Desert Sustainability Committee, the Land & Garden Preserve, Somes-Meynell Wildlife Sanctuary, and Acadia National Park. The focus will be invasive species, both on land and aquatic.
Summer Yoga Schedule Starting to Shape Up
RYT® 200 instructor Mike Bouscaren's Divine Play Yoga classes will resume their summer schedule beginning on Tuesday, June 26 from 9am-10am. Starting the following week (July 3) classes will meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-10 through the end of August.
Community Cookout Set for May 28
The annual Community Cookout will return on Memorial Day, May 28. This year's event is once again generously supported by four fantastic sponsors: Main Street Variety, Northeast Plumbing & Heating, S.R. Tracy Paint Shop, and Thomas W. Wallace Construction. Thanks so much for making this community tradition possible!
Community Cafe at the Mt. Desert Town Meeting
The Neighborhood House is happy to once again be offering a special edition of the "Community Cafe" prior to the Town Meeting. This non-partisan meal serves as the perfect light dinner to tide you over during the meeting.
A Quick Refresh after a Busy Winter
The main level (offices, great hall, kitchen, etc.) will be CLOSED Monday, April 30 thru Thursday, May 3. During this time period there will be NO AFTER SCHOOL YOUTH CLUB, but we'll be back in action the following week starting May 7. The downstairs gym will remain open as normal-- we just ask that you use the lower level Rock End Rd. entrance during these four days.
Sea of Blue Autism Awareness 5K
The 5th Annual Sea of Blue Autism Awareness 5K and 2 Mile Walk will take place in Northeast Harbor on Saturday, April 28. The Neighborhood House is proud to serve as the start/finish for both.
Lobster Rolls and Laughs at the Community Cafe Finale
They say all records were meant to be broken. While it might not exactly be Cal Ripkin breaking Gehrig's consecutive game streak, the record setting crowd of about 150 diners at Thursday's Community Cafe was nonetheless impressive! A massive group of diners from all over MDI and beyond turned out for the season finale of this popular bi-monthly offering.
Camp Registration Now Open
Registration forms for the 2018 Day Camp season are now available. Activities are offered on a daily or weekly basis for kids from Preschool through Middle School. The season will begin Monday, June 25 and run for 8 weeks, Monday through Friday from
Community Cafe Wraps Up April 19
The Community Cafe season is wrapping up, and once again this year our "Grand Finale" is generously sponsored by the Dwyer Family. Stop by and join us on Thursday, April 19 from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm
Auction Set for May 18
It's time to do some spring cleaning, and just like the rest of us, the Mt. Desert, Bar Harbor, and SW Harbor Police Departments are in need of clearing out a little space as well.
Lunch Brings Increased Interest Rate
Wow! Our friends from Bar Harbor Bank & Trust generously put on lunch at Thursday's Community Cafe, and 125 guests from all over MDI turned out to show their support and enjoy a delicious Tex-Mex meal.