An Exciting Announcement from Yoga Instructor, Mike Bouscaren
Note: Mike Bouscaren is not only a volunteer member of The Neighborhood House Board of Directors, but he has also led a very popular offering— Divine Play Yoga— for several seasons through 2020. Recently, Mike sent along this message to us which we couldn’t wait to share…
Tree Pose is thought to improve a yogi’s concentrated power of attention. To gain spiritual vitality, yogis have been known to stand in Tree Pose for months, even years.
But not here: Divine Play inspiration suddenly came down on me while practicing Tree Pose on Daufuskie Island SC this April.
Which took me into Headstand, for further reflection.
And there in the stillness, the ancient wisdom, the primordial whisper said: “Yogi Mike – Listen: now is the time to bring back Divine Play Yoga – - this summer at The Neighborhood House.”
Come join us this summer - Divine Play Yoga will light up your life, will transform you into a beacon of joy.
So get ready - I look forward to meeting you again in the Great Hall this summer.
Mike Bouscaren