Carryout Cafe Serving Up Extra Portions
As the tenth season of the Community Cafe comes to a close, we are thrilled to report that not only did the program survive under the difficult circumstances of a pandemic, but it has thrived! “Attendance” continued to grow and serving up 150 takeout style lunches was typical throughout the season. Best of all, we got see many of the folks from around MDI who have been Cafe “regulars” for years and the takeout model helped us welcome many new faces as well.
If you have yet to get the opportunity to join us for lunch this year, you’re in luck! Carryout luncheons are scheduled for Thursday, April 15, as well as Thursday, May 6 (a makeup from January), and for good measure we added one “grand finale” luncheon on Thursday, May 20.
Thursday, April 15
A Maine Bagged Lunch
Sponsored by The Knowles Company
The Knowles Company has been a long time supporter of the Community Cafe and The Neighborhood House
This Maine themed menu features our version of the classic “Maine Italian” sandwich, paired with chips, pickles, and of course a Whoopie Pie for dessert! But wait— there’s more! Our friends at Atlantic Brewing are generously providing a bottle of their locally produced “Old Soaker” Root Beer to go with each lunch!
Lucky for us the team from The Knowles Company will be on hand to help serve lunch to what is expected to be a strong turnout. Having been long time sponsors and volunteers at the Cafe, we’re sure they’ll be able to handle it without missing a beat. Takeout service gets underway at 11:30am and will run through 1:00pm or while supplies last. A vegetarian/gluten free option will be available upon request for those who prefer it.
Thursday, May 6
Happy (Belated) Cinco de Mayo!
Sponsored by the Maine Seacoast Mission
Seen in this 2019 photo, Douglas Cornman not only serves as the Director of Island Outreach for the Maine Seacoast Mission, but he’s also been a longtime supporter of The Neighborhood House and serves on its Board of Directors.
The May 6th Carryout Cafe is generously sponsored by the Maine Seacoast Mission and will feature a special Mexican themed menu. While we’ll miss Cinco de Mayo by a day, we’re sure this takeout style lunch will be nothing short of “Muy delicioso!”
All of the delectable menu details will be released a few days prior to lunch and a vegetarian/gluten free option will be available upon request. Earlier in the season our friends Michael and Fayelle from August Moon Catering prepared a Mexican meal which was incredibly popular and we’re happy to report they’ll be handling all the prep work this time around as well. You won’t want to miss it!
Carryout lunch service will get underway at 11:30am and run through 1:00pm or while supplies last. The suggested donation is just $7, and as always, seniors are invited to enjoy lunch “on the house.”
Thursday, May 20
“Bonus” Carryout Cafe
Our last Cafe until November!
Michael and Fayelle Anderson of August Moon Catering have been a HUGE help throughout the entire Cafe season and made the transition to takeout go off without a hitch.
We decided to end things with a bang and add one additional Carryout Cafe luncheon to the schedule for 2021. The menu will feature some Springtime Favorites you won’t want to miss!
Next time we meet in November we hope for things to be “back to normal” and have the chance to sit and socialize during lunch once again. If you’re a fan of takeout, no worries— that new aspect of the lunches has been such a huge success we plan on incorporating it as an option at each future Cafe!
Carryout Cafe Season Finale
Thursday, May 20th
11:30am - 1:00pm
Menu Details Coming Soon!