Updated Face Covering Policy
As federal and state guidance related to face coverings has changed, we at The Neighborhood House are updating our policy to reflect this shift. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have relied on this guidance to shape our policies rather than making decisions on an arbitrary basis. Thus far the level of cooperation has been fantastic, and we thank you for your patience and assistance in our efforts to prioritize the health and well-being of our entire community.
As of August 3, our face covering policy is as follows and we require all guests to adhere to it:
1. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are required to wear properly fitting face coverings (which shield both the nose and mouth) while inside the building. This policy remains unchanged from our last update on May 24.
2. Those who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are not required to wear face coverings while inside except under certain circumstances (see #3 below).
3. Based on CDC recommendations, if the Covid-19 transmission rate in Hancock County is deemed to be “Substantial” or “High,” ALL individuals regardless of vaccination status will be required to wear a properly fitting face covering while inside the building. If this occurs, we will post a notice in our main office, outside the gym, and on our social media channels. We’ll also have extra masks on hand in case you forget yours.
· The Federal CDC updates their county-based transmission map daily no later than 8pm. You can find that map here: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view
· We want to avoid “flip-flopping” from day to day so that it’s easier for everyone to adhere to masking rules. Therefore, if the transmission rate is classified as Substantial or High (meaning masks must be worn by all) and then falls to “Moderate” or “Low,” we’ll wait a couple of days to make sure the decreased transmission rate is a statistical trend before lifting the mask requirement in our building. If/when those requirements are lifted, we’ll post it outside our main office, gym, and on social media.
· Our mask policy continues to apply to the entire building, including the gym (and in-person fitness classes). Therefore, if transmission rates lead us to temporarily require masks for even the fully vaccinated, everyone in the gym is required to cover both their nose and mouths with a face covering without exception. This might mean that you need to reduce the intensity of your workout while utilizing cardio equipment, for example. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If your workout routine isn’t conducive to wearing a mask, we are happy to pause your membership or give you a pro-rated refund on the remainder of your membership.